Caldwell Baptist Association, Inc.
North Carolina
Services to Equip
Associational Events and Activities
Associational Gatherings of the Messengers
Bible Drills Promotion and Training Meeting
Church Clerk's Training Event
Girls-in-Action and Children-in-Action Day Camp
Media Library Book Fairs
Ministers Conference
Ministers Study Groups
Seminary Extension Classes
Senior Adult Lunch & Learn
Vacation Bible School Clinic
Woman's Missionary Union Training
Other Services
Adult Ministry
Associational Media Library
Baptist Men's training
Bi-vocational ministers training
Calendar of Activities
Conflict Management
E-Caller (Association's weekly email newsletter)
Instruction on church incorporation
Ministers ordination service
Ministers Support Fund
Mission development and education
Personal training events for churches
Provide resumes of potential pastors and staff ministers
Provide training for church committees and ministry teams
Provide training for pastor search committees
Provide training for church staff search committees
Ruth Keller Scholarship Fund for students preparing for ministry
Small groups training
Sunday School training
Strategy Planning for churches
Youth Ministry